Hi! I'm Danny Little. I'm a web developer and musician.

I'm a recent graduate from Bowdoin College, where I majored in computer science and music performance.

I'm currently working as a frontend software engineer at HubSpot, working in React.

On my own time, I enjoy learning more about computer systems, compilers, and the web.

A photo of me (Danny), taken by my brother James

Read my blog:

Full content RSS feed: My journey on getting the content of my posts into my RSS feed!
Written on March 30, 2024
New website check: A walkthrough of my new website, and exploring Next.js 13 and RSC
Written on September 19, 2023
Bitwrought: The making of a file integrity and bit rot command line tool.
Written on March 1, 2023
Four Grid / Flex Properties: A review of four basic CSS Grid and Flexbox properties that confuse me. Probably more for my benefit that yours.
Written on December 28, 2020

Look at my projects